(RSVP) Participation : Colloquium of Post Western Sociology December 12th and 13th at ENS Lyon
(RSVP) Participation : Colloquium of Post Western Sociology December 12th and 13th at ENS Lyon
(Multiple choices are possible.)
Please answer the following questions:
Please answer the following questions:
In person
December 12th, morning
December 12th, morning
In person
December 12th, morning
December 12th, afternoon
December 12th, afternoon
In person
December 12th, afternoon
December 13th, morning
December 13th, morning
In person
December 13th, morning
December 13th, afternoon
December 13th, afternoon
In person
December 13th, afternoon
Your full name
Your institution
Your email address (for upcoming updates regarding the event)